Friday, June 26, 2009

Putting Up Strawberries

Right now strawberries are in full swing in my neck of the woods.

This past week, my mother-in-law and I took my girl strawberry picking! We picked 10 quarts of berries which ended up being $2 per quart. It was a beautiful day and the plants were full of berries which made picking not such a chore.

I ended up cleaning and freezing a lot of berries for the depths of winter. Along with that I made 2 batches of strawberry jam which came out to be 16 1/2 jars of jam. It's so very good! I used the low sugar recipe but it's still sweet!

This year I planted Rhubarb. It's nowhere near ready to be picked, perhaps next year I can make a strawberry/rhubarb jam.

I have about 1 1/2 quarts left and we've been eating those. I wanted to try drying some for oatmeal or granola but the ones I have are past their prime. If I feel ambitious next week I may go and pick 5 more quarts.


  1. Where'd you go berry picking? We went to Gro Moore, which for some reason I thought was on the nursery center's property...and ended up driving out Route 251 in Rush.

    We got some yummy berries, though. Next time I think we'll go to Chase Farms.

    Is there somewhere closer to us?

  2. Wow $2 a quart is great, where did you go? I was suppose to go picking this past Friday but the weather didn't cooperate. I hope I can get some picking in before the season passes me by.

    The jam looks delicious and beautiful.

  3. We went to Bauman's in Webster.

    Where were you going Kristin? If you want I'll call you this week if the weather lets up as I really want to go again. I've been giving Jam away and really want to make more.

  4. Well we never made it because of the weather. Not sure if this week is good for you but let me know I would like to go.

  5. I think picking is almost over! I will call around this week! I didn't get out there either!
